Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Studying and Packing

Womp.womp. Obviously no one likes to study, so it's no different when you're abroad. Luckily I'm done with 3 of 4 classes and only have my Management exam left. Unfortunately, it's going to be my hardest but whatever. I'm clearly procrastinating now by blogging, and also by... PACKING

Another thing that I hate, besides studying, is PACKING. Moreso unpacking, but still, packing is both annoying and depressing. And that's where I am right now. Just finished about as much packing as I can do for the timebeing. I decided to listen to happy music instead of all of the Bon Iver that Annie gave me last semester (don't get me wrong, I love the stuff, just didn't wanna actually be depressed), so that's a positive. But just really sad to clean out my whole closet and think that my semester here is actually ending. It sucks that just when you become accostomed and totally adjusted to something, your life changes again. LA VIDA ES DURA

But enough whining, that's boring!!! I haven't done anything too too exciting this past week because I've been studying and whatnot, but I have explored the area a little North of me (Rios Rosas), and also went to Plaza Santa Ana the other night which is a really good place to marchar with the gente. So that was fun barhopping, and something to tick off the list of things I need to do in Madrid. Also today I walked along calle Serrano (which is like Madrid's 5th ave they say) because I had to buy Sarah some perfume there. It was another thing off my list, and was a very nice day for a walk (53ºish here and not even 20º at home ahhh!!). That's all for now, I'm going to go attempt to study before my second to last dinner with my señoras...

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