Friday, December 17, 2010

Homeward Bound

In the airport getting ready to leave for JFK in a short while. Obviously my first flight pattern got cancelled (thanks Amsterdam weather), but luckily I got put on a direct flight back home.

Saying goodbye was sad of course, it always is when you're pretty much guarenteed to never see people again, but it's over so that's good. Also getting up this morning was QUITE difficult, as was hauling my bags to the airport. Luckily I made the executive decision to take a cab, which is good because I would have never made it on the metro with everything. My checked bag ended up weighing 27+ kg, which is over 60lbs, yikes, but I didn't get charged!! Que suerte.

Now that I'm finally in the airport though, I've had time to let everything sink in and get more excited about going home. Of course I want to be there for Christmas and can't wait to hear my dad blast christmas classics through our speakers at home every morning, and thinking about having access to a kitchen and a car and seeing my home friends is really exciting. I think I'm going to be quite shocked at the size of my house, my room, and my bed when I get back... America is seriously supersized.

I'll probably have some "reflections" or whatnot later, but I don't feel like writing a lot/ being deep right now. Instead, I'm gonna jam to some Glee and obvi write things in my planner.

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