Monday, October 11, 2010

bloggin boredom

so right now i would like to be watching The Sound of Music via iTunes library, but alas my plans have been foiled and I cannot find it. I'm too afriad to try some random site becasue last time I did that, my computer crashed, and now I don't have the IT peepz of Penn at my disposale to fix it. ugh.
Since TSoM didn't work out, I decided that I wanted to watch Breakfast at Tiffanys. FOILED AGAIN! iTunes insists that I need to download a new version, which I have done about a total of 3 times now... still not working. F you technology.

So now I'm sitting in bed contemplating reading but notttt really feeling like it (I just finished The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo this weekend on the bus from San Seb). My current boredom/hunger is about to make me book tickets to Barcelona for Halloween weekend though- pretty excitinggggggg!

sidenote- my goal for the week (aka Mon-Thurs) is to not eat bread, because I have eaten an absolutely absurd quantity since I've been here. It's worked so far, but led to a very bland lunch of ensalada mixta from the school cafeteria (gotta love being on a college budget and spending money on flights instead of food!). This will change once the weekend starts because I'm going to Amsterdam on Thursday for my race wheeee!

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