Thursday, September 30, 2010

Annie comes to visit!

I am veryyy excited because one of my close friends from Penn, the one and only Annie Bellis, has finally arrived in Madrid!

Upon her arrival, after eating lunch and walking around, we decided to go to a bull fight with some of the other girls. This decision was quite an interesting one seeing as I absolutely hate blood and am not a big fan of violence. I saw it as one of those "things you have to do in Spain", like see flamenco dancers, or go the visit la Alhambra. Well, I was wrong. You really REALLY don't HAVE to go see a bullfight. Luckily, this one was cheap (becasue they were killing baby bulls, depressing right??) so I didn't feel bad when I had to leave after only about 30 minutes since I was so sick to my stomach. I actually started tearing up in the Plaza de los Toros (I'm ridiculous, I know, judge me) but it was so sad seeing these stupid people on horseback stabbing baby bulls. The matadors were kinda cool to watch when they were like doing tricks and making the bulls run in circles, but then when they were stabbing bulls in the neck, they stopped being so cool. The whole crowd also got like really into it, including a 10year old boy sitting behind me, which just made the situation worse. But we left early and got a drink so that made the day a little better.

ANYWAY, onto happier news: we just finished our first exam and now we're home free for the weekend, which many of us (people on my program) are spending at oktoberfest!!
I'm pretty pumped for this weekend because i've obviously heard a lot about it, and when else am i going to get to experience such a fratty scene? Luckily there isn't much to see in Munich, so we won't feel too bad pushing tourism to the wayside while trying to experience the 'culture' of the infamous festival.

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